Sly Karasinski

My wife Anne and I moved to Cheshire County and started our family in 1989. We love the Monadnock Region and have offered our service to the community. We have volunteered with Marlow Fire and Ambulance, Swanzey Fire and Rescue rising to Fire Chief, and now Town Government as Selectman. Anne serves on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and we both serve on the North Swanzey Water & Fire Precinct.

Giving back is important to keep New Hampshire, New Hampshire.

Our children Ben and Briana were educated in Monadnock Regional Schools, Keene State, River Valley, SNHU, and Norwich University. Anne graduated from UNH, and I have attended CCSU and NHCTC for Fire Science.

Education is important and the one size fits all top down approach is what is failing our children - let the money follow the child so every child gets the education that works for them.

My experiences in commercial fishing, hazardous site mitigation, route sales, stay at home dad, small business owner, and now water superintendent have given me insight to the numerous, and onerous, taxes and regulations that hinder economic growth.

Lowering tax rates increases revenue and limits government control over you. We need to review regulations that have no useful purpose, and I would support adding a sunset clause to every new law.

I have worked as a Hospital Security Officer for over twenty-years and seen people at their best and worst.

We need the rules and laws to be enforced and have real consequences for bad behavior. I back the Police and will hold prosecutors and judges accountable.